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Wranglers Eye


​“There is nothing more disheartening to any animal lover than to watch an animal in pain, and there is nothing more rewarding to witness their recovery and pain relief after receiving an Animal Bowen Technique!"

Acquiring the skills to be able to assist animals WHOListically has been my life long passion and being able to successfully assist them out of pain and discomfort into recuperation and restoration is my dedication and life long ambition.

Animal Bowen Therapy (or Equine, Cat & Canine Muscle Release Therapy) is a subtle yet powerful remedial therapy that initiates physical, mental and emotional recovery, whilst promoting good health and improvement of mobility and even more importantly - can save lives!

Danny's pain
Danny after a Bowen


Equine Muscle Release Therapy is a gentle, non invasive, physical modality that addresses the connective tissue within the body such as muscles, ligaments, tendons as well as the all important fascia.


Horses are superb athletes, and as such they often put their bodies through many stresses and strains on a daily basis.


The difference between us requiring treatment and the horse is that she is unable to let you know in a language that we can understand, just exactly where the pain is, and how much it hurts. She may appear to be fine physically, but could start to act up as soon as that saddle is placed on her back, or the bit in her mouth. It sometimes takes that specifically trained eye, or hand, to pick up exactly what is happening, that otherwise wouldn't be noticed.



EMRT™ basically works through the body via the fascial and neural pathways transmitting messages from the body to the brain in order to commence the process of naturally bringing the body back into its natural state of balance, and ultimately promoting a return to health.


It stimulates soft tissue, releases and separates muscular fibres, boosts hydration and the metabolic processes to all soft tissue within the physical body. It can initiate increased circulation and lymphatic flow; stimulate the central nervous system responses and works closely with the Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian and acupressure systems.





​The response to this treatment initiates an interaction of the body systems which can improve muscular range of motion and joint mobility, relieve acute and chronic musculo-skeletal pain, improve circulation and lymphatic drainage, eliminate toxins and strengthen the immune system, improve nutrient intake, increase the recovery time from Injury, illness and surgery and much more.


Conditions that have responded well to EMRT™ :

- Muscular atrophy
- Not Tracking Up
- Neck and Poll Restrictions (head shy, resistance or shaking)
- Uneven Stride
- Lacking Balance
- General Soreness
- Reluctance to Canter
- Girthing Problems
- Lameness
- “Cold back” or sore back
- Deterioration in performance or uncharacteristic change in temperament
- Uneven wear of shoes
- Hindquarter, Stifle or Shoulder stiffness
- Lactic Acid retention


IMPORTANT - EMRT™ is complementary to traditional veterinary medicine, and is definitely not a replacement for professional veterinary advice.


When in doubt, ALWAYS call your vet out!


Watercolor Butterfly 7

Good health can only really be initiated at a cellular level, as cells are the absolute structural units of the physical body.  Oxygen, fluids and nutrients are utilised to function and repair, whilst fluids are transported within the body to assist in the delivery of these functions as well as removing the toxins and waste through the organs.


Cat and Canine Muscle Release Therapy™ is a non invasive, unique hands on remedial therapy that promotes this movement of blood and lymph and the hydration of the muscles.


It is also highly effective in addressing a wide range of acute and chronic conditions, covering both physical and emotional issues.  Due to the factor that cats and dogs can be very active in their daily lives, it can be very easy for them to injure themselves, and very often not show that they are hurt or have a problem. If an injury such as muscular tension or spasm continues without relief, it may very well lead to a further breakdown somewhere else in the body and this can definitely create additional problems such as behavioural issues.


Cat & Canine Muscle Release Therapy™ does not address 'conditions or symptoms' and although gentle, is very capable of activating the relaxation response of the muscle, assisting in the correction of the constrictions of fascia and tissue, freeing congestion, releasing toxins and allowing the return of the circulation of the necessary nutrients that are beneficial to the overall health of the animal


As an animal guardian and carer as well as qualified practitioner, my absolute intention is to provide the initiation of recuperation and restoration of overall good health and a return to balance and well being.



Roxy Smiling
Mr Jonesy
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