“After a lifetime of being of service to animals especially my passion the horse ...I am honoured to be of service by being Patron of this wonderful venture Maggies Farm.
This work with animals is inspirational for healing from the heart for all the beings who are fortunate enough to visit and learn from Virginia and Phil and their beautiful family of animals.”
Dip. Bowen Therapy
Senior instructor BTAA teaching Essence of Bowen CEU
Reiki Usui Master
Reiki Qi Qong Master
Senior lecturer QSMI
Senior Instructor Bowtech®
Director EMRT Pty Ltd
Developer EMRT™ 1990 and CCmrt™ 1997
Principal ECL&R Equus College of Learning & Research
Research & Development EMRT™ Australia
Equine Muscle Release Therapy™ (EMRT) was devised by Alison Goward, Principal of the Equus College of Learning & Research (ECL&R), and was derived from The original Bowen Technique. EMRT™ is the only Bowen on horses recognised and endorsed by the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia (BTAA) and was developed from an understanding that horses, like people are subjected to stress and strain from performing athletic tasks asked of them by their owners.
Ali Goward then further developed and based Cat & Canine Muscle Release Therapy™ (CCmrt) purely on her research and work with Equine Muscle Release Therapy™ (EMRT). Usually in every stable you will find a dog and/or a cat. Due to extensive and successful field trails carried out over 7 years by Ali and EMRT practitioners on dogs and cats and due to the increasing number of enquiries made to the Equus College of Learning & Research for dogs and cats, CCmrt™ was born and started being taught in 2001.
ECL&R Mission statement:-
“To help animals and through animals ……….. People”
….with love from the heart
“A definition of a patron is: a person who supports with money, gifts, efforts, or endorsement an artist, writer, museum, cause, charity, institution, special event, or the like.
I am a patron of all you do. I support your work, philosophies and vision.
I am here to offer support in what ways I can…..
You have come a long ways since we met and greatly improved your horsemanship too. Keep at it and it will all only get better. I appreciate you giving me updates every once in a while. I also appreciate your wonderful comments on FB.
Sending lots of good wishes your way. Keep well and happy…."
xo Franklin
Franklin Levinson grew up with horses. His father was an avid polo player. At the age of thirteen Franklin was the youngest ‘registered’ polo player in the US. By the time he was 17 he was training polo ponies for hire. His life with horses continued to expand as he began running the equestrian programs at large summer camps while in his early twenties. Franklin not only taught horseback riding to those children, he also developed a passion for teaching ‘horse’ (the language, psychology, needs and nature of horses). Franklin discovered early on that knowledge about horses would enhance the experience that all his students had with their horses. This went for horse owners as well. Being a competent rider does not mean being an experienced horse person. Franklin began teaching about the nature of ‘trust’ as it relates to horses very early on in his professional equine career. The humans and horses he encountered seemed to benefit greatly from this trust based approach to horsemanship.
He is credited in Your Horse Magazine, UK, as being the first person to introduce EFL into Britain. Several years later he did the same in Australia and founded the Australian Equine Facilitated Learning Association. Franklin’s intention to inspire and uplift everyone he encounters and to enrich the lives of all horses and humans continues as his daily mission. Franklin’s philosophies, essays and commentaries on high-level, gentle and effective horsemanship have been featured nationally and internationally in numerous print publications, television programs (Discovery Channel, ESPN, Public Television, American Adventurer and many more) as well as radio, webinars and podcasts. He was also a principle actor in the western movie September Dawn (starring Jon Voight).
Some of what sets Franklin apart from other trainers is that, first and foremost, Franklin’s goal and agenda with any horse is the development of ‘trust.’ No relationship can flourish and develop without mutual trust and respect at its very core. Franklin teaches the skills and attitudes necessary to have this sort of successful relationship with horses and humans as well. Franklin has recently published a book series entitled TRUST ‘N’ HORSES. He currently lives and works in S. California