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  • Writer's pictureVirginia Ede

COMPASSION AND FILTERING - or just Speak your Truth?

It is a true path of empowerment to 'walk your walk and talk your walk'. It is even more important to actually LIVE your walk as well as your talk!

Speaking your truth is an absolutely amazing experience that can be oh so difficult to actually do, especially if you are not used to doing so, or, your own self confidence, esteem and respect are at 'rock bottom'.

It then comes down to another's opinions being considered so much more worthwhile than your own!

HOWEVER, when doing all of the above it is also absolutely essential to remain mindful as well as resonating in your heart essence and speak with compassion and the awareness of filtering your communication or opinion.

Give in the essence of how you would like to receive such information and remain mindful of this, as it is in the receiving that the harm and pain may be experienced.

Just recently these circumstances came into my own experience with the painful and worrying episodes of my 'heart horse' Donahue encountering pain and physical issues. Being an avid animal lover and designated guardian, and having ongoing concern about my boy, I soon discovered that the filtering of some conversations were very much lax or better yet - not evident at all.

Understandably, with emotions hovering so very close to the surface, it didn't 't take much at all to push those deep emotions over the edge and trying so hard to keep a level head in a time that was the best course of action, the receiving of ego based and non filtered perspectives and opinions was definitely not appreciated!

In the conversation to a local vet who had been the go to professional for what possible additional assistance that I could give to my boy in addition to my normal Equine Muscle Release Therapy as well as Herbal Treatments, it soon became very clear that there was a complete lack of compassion but very considerable science.

These are the individuals that you hope will give you just that......hope! However our communication although incredibly informative of what could be and what couldn't be done, left me completely cold and wondering where consideration of who you are speaking had gone!

Yes, agreed facts are facts but in truth reality is never static and can change at any given moment, and the truth spoken from an unfiltered individual perspective can make you feel so much worse than the original event!

However, Speaking the truth from a place of compassion, integrity and with a filter in full force, an experience of comfort, healing, support, and understanding is the outcome generated..

It is an example of BEing aware and BEing in the moment that permits the open heart to direct what is needed when it is needed.

We are all extremely creative beings that need to take responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings, words and actions. and becoming more aware of another's interaction in our own experience can definitely add to living a life that is about empowerment, liberation and inspiration.

Speak your truth..... yes please....... but WITH Compassion, Awareness and Filtering!


Introducing myself - I am Virginia Ede and am one half of the human carer and guardian element of Maggies Farm Sanctuary! The other half is my wonderful husband Phil!

Other than my passion for Mother Nature and her Animal Kingdom, my other loves are my 'work' as a qualified Natural Therapies practitioner; 'working WITH our rescue animals in assisting humans on their healing journey and creating new and empowered ways of living life the way that it is meant to be lived.

I have achieved Diploma Level in Bowen Therapy, certification in Cat, Canine and Equine Muscle Release Therapy™, Australian Bush Flower Essences and Reiki I & II Therapy, as well as life long skills in Intuitive Guidance, Equine Interactive Connections and Guidance - which I have called “Edequine Hoofprints to Life” and 'Edequine Connexionz', and am in the process of expanding my Animal Awareness and Insights programs.

In additional to animal connections, I also offer participation in such workshops and one on one interaction in Personal Empowerment and Lifestyle Transformation, Animal Interactive Approach and Behavioural Education and connection as Your Personal Empowerment Guide and Coach.

If you are interested in discovering more of what we have to offer, or would like to share an adventure, just let me know!

Contact me on 0414 696355 or Email

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