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  • Writer's pictureVirginia Ede



We are all on our own individual journey, whether we realise it or not, and there are many destinations that are a valuable part of that journey.

Too often we become so focused upon each destination that we completely miss what are we needing to experience in order to expand our inner wisdom and 'being'. This is what I would call the 'human experience'!

And within these experiences our ‘normal’ may not be in keeping with our feeling comfortable within our body. 

LIFE is truly about feeling, and more explicitly, feeling GOOD.

When you’re in harmony with your inner being and ultimate well-being, life becomes so much easier and more enjoyable.


Through my own experiences, I am always investigating developing positive ways and avenues of shining a light on how we may improve our individual lives and relationships.

The most interesting perspective that shows itself often is that although many of us may have lost that all important connection with our emotions for one reason or other, (that is, how we feel) it can be reactivated, re-balanced and harmonized when we learn to listen to our hearts and not just in our heads.

I have discovered this on many instances when working with individuals in the personal experiences with my horse medicine workshops.

It is now time for CREATING OUR OWN RECIPE FOR A GOOD LIFE and that includes tapping into the mind, body and spirit.

And so Heart to Heart Awaken to Healing will be introduced as a weekly online workshop, activating deeper understanding of our Life Path and how we may manage it.

We are meant to learn from our passed experiences so that we can understand and gain wisdom. (The Past)

We prepare for our future so that we may become better versions of our true selves. (The Future)

And where we are right here and now, is where we hold the greatest power and where we have chosen to be! (The Present)


Simple..... yes.

Involved..... can be.

Transformational...... only if we are ready to embark.

Scary..... of course!

BUT, the beauty is that we will not be travelling this road on our own.

The realisation that we are so much more than our physical body marks the opportunity for realignment with the finer and powerful aspects of our inner and outer being, which holds the capability of redefining our wellness as well as being the catalyst for deeper healing.


We ALL possess outstanding creative skills and powers which are only limited by our own thinking and belief patterns. 

In this workshop, we delve into another world where we possess the potential to actually shift and change our current experiences.

There are no limitations to our dreams and desires, and only an ability to become "MORE"!

Will you join me on this adventure?



Greetings and I am so grateful for you being here. My name is Virginia and I am looking forward to meeting you.

Life has been, and still is, a truly amazing journey and I just love sharing the wisdom that comes with the experiences that Maggie's Farm Sanctuary provides .

There is always a deep gratification as well as appreciation in assisting other beings live this beautiful life fully…with passion and purpose.

I believe that any healing journey is so much more powerful when offered in a warm, compassionate and supportive environment, so I created Maggie's Farm Sanctuary where support and assistance is offered to those who desire deep healing as well as acceptance.

Anyone struggling with life stressors, pain or trauma can benefit and flourish from a safe haven that permits them to share their concerns without judgement or discrimination.

Providing a secure healing haven with various outstanding and gentle healing tools invites you to join me in returning to balance, harmony and inner (and outer) well being.

I am happily available for you with a strong supportive shoulder, a listening ear and steady guiding hand. You will consistently be seen as well as heard and always welcomed.

I invite you to join me, leaving your worries, stresses and concerns at my front gate so that you may begin your own and very individual journey of healing towards a more enjoyable life.

I invite to you join me - Phone 0414 696 355

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