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  • Writer's pictureVirginia Ede

The Brain Needs Positive Input

Each morning when I awake, my mind is hugely active - actually before I wake up properly my brain is already running over events, situations, feelings, thoughts and if I don't grab hold of this run away train, it can take me to destinations that I really don't wish to visit! The brain is an amazing, highly active and extremely protective mechanism, which will give you the reasons and pretty much always extremely explicit pictures of why you should jump directly into survival mode. This is what the brain is geared for - keeping you safe! Worries about things that have happened, anxieties about things that can happen and the films that screen within your mind highlighting all of these can be in magnificent technicolour. And the content of those stories that attach to all of those emotions ...... well they are almost as good and detailed as any Stephen King horror movie. When these immediate brain gymnastics occur, before I am fully conscious and as the rest of me awakens, I make a conscious decision to put a huge STOP sign in my head and then I bring forward all that I can muster to my immediate present the gratitudes, appreciations, the people, the events that are always so wonderful in my life. And in times of heightened awareness of the "crap" that has risen to the surface of my mind, I have learned to give myself permission to experience those emotions that naturally arise. If we don't and we push them down due to the discomfort that they bring with them, they can anchor within the body and can make us very ill!

It does become a comforting experience, after you travel along that rocky road of unease and not dis-ease, knowing that the healing has initiated and as you travel within WITH those emotions, with each processing thought comes the answers that we need to know. It most certainly takes great courage and a huge desire to move above these, but in the end it is so worthwhile. After all, who would wish to continue resonating in anxiety, stress, depression, guilt, anger and frustration - these are all extremely low energies and can do much harm, not only to ourselves but to others. We all have choices and decisions to make each and every day - and to EACH CHOICE made by us comes repercussions and responses - this we must realise and be ready to take the necessary responsibility for these. For every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction!

So ensure that as you allow the crap to come out (do not project these on others - innocent or not ) and then as the rubbish releases replace the space with all the gratitude and appreciations that you have in your life already to heal the wound that is left behind. Just like putting a healing salve on any physical wound!

It isn't always easy but isn't it so much better to ensure that your decisions are FOR you and not AGAINST you!


Introducing myself - My name is Virginia Ede and over the years, since I began my Natural Therapies business back in 2005, my passion has always been focused upon assisting people to discover a release from pain, stress, anxiety and other such physical issues through the means of gentle modalities such as Bowen Therapy, Reiki and Australian Bush Flowers.

As is in most cases, things shift, change and grow and the journey that I now share with others has transcended beyond being just about addressing the physical pains and discomforts that we all experience at times,

It now includes the reconnecting to the simplicity of our true authentic being, initiating those marvellous healing processes that are much more achievable as well as sustainable.

I have created Maggies Farm to be a safe haven that encourages the processes of all manners of healing and the transformation that follows. ​

For as long as I can remember, I have always had a deep and loving connection with animals and it is now that I am more able to combine my specialised practitioner skills with the intuitive and instinctive expertise of my animal family.

Please come and join me for what will surely be an unforgettable personal experience!

Contact me on 0414 696355 or Email

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