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  • Writer's pictureVirginia Ede


It has been quite a while since I have written on my website blog, but as per usual the journey that we are all on initiated a desire for me to reach out and connect, not only to my subscribers but to anyone who is interested in a different way of "BEING"! Today I watched a couple of videos from Lee of (Facebook) The Asher House and as a generous hearted individual who rescues and cares for many animals, it reminded me of some very important aspects of life.

The first video was of the rescue and adoption this year (2023) of a beautiful young dog by the name of Matilda that suffers neurological issues and was left to roam the streets without care or comfort.

Did this stop her from responding relatively quickly to the love and attention given her by Lee? The answer there is a resounding NO.

Animals don't always judge nor victimize and can respond so beautifully when given the opportunity to heal, physically, mentally and emotionally. Our Maggie was such an example of this such phenomena. Perhaps take the time to read her story on the website.

In fact, practically every one of our animal family members have experienced hardship, violence and trauma, but once given the chance and space to heal and experience trust again, quickly give loving companionship in return.

The second video was from last year (2022) where Lee expressed deep pain and sadness at the shock passing of some of his animal rescues.

It was the statement of his deep regret in not being able to 'save' them and his rawness in apologising to his audience for sharing his emotion that truly hit home.

Grief and pain of loss are not new to us here at Maggie's Farm, as it is the path that we have lovingly chosen in the care and guardianship of many different animals.

As Lee expressed, this lifestyle is not for everyone, but we, Phil and I, consider ourselves truly blessed on a daily basis. To love deeply means that we grieve just as deeply.

It can, however, be an unfortunate factor that many may experience in our world, those individuals who don't hold back from passing judgement, condemnation and victimisation. In essence, the 'shoulds' and the 'should nots' can be very loud and overwhelming, and the outcome from these can result in the creation, for many gentle hearted beings, suffering from low self image, low self worth and lack in confidence.

The upside of these such encounters can also result in the connection with the most amazing individuals who inspire courage, determination and persistence.

The world sometimes can be an unfriendly place, and I am taking this opportunity to remind you of what we are deeply about at Maggie's Farm.

We are a place of interest, education, comfort and a safe haven for animals and people alike. Well being and wellness are our priority as is an empowered lifestyle.

We are firstly a sanctuary of many rescued animals, namely horses, goats, chickens, and dogs, but we are also a well being centre for people who are looking for therapeutic attention, perhaps some peace, kindness, acceptance and compassion, as well as respect and non judgement.

Our business lies in gentle, natural therapies, Empowerment Coaching and the relevant healing workshops, as well as Trauma Release. It is for these such approaches that our Maggie's Farm was created.

I have trained in Equine Facilitated Learning and attended an Introduction to EAGALA course. My ultimate response was in the creation of my own Equine/Animal encounters that are focused upon the therapeutic re-connection through the heart.

That is, Heart to Heart Healing and Heart to Heart Equine Connections.

For your information, there is Transformation, yes Change, yes Life rather than existence, yes Wisdom and understanding, yes and yes Heart to heart connection, definitely And a reminder that we value and respect you for the individual that you are.

My footnote

Animals are the most outstanding teachers in life, and horses, being creatures of prey, hold the ability to show so much deep wisdom, overall kindness, compassion and funnily enough, patience. Too often though, the human doesn't view this in this way and misinterpretation of what is being conveyed occurs, more often than not, with the outcome being the horse accused and punished. IF you are open to learning about life's treasures from another creature's perspective, then we are the right place for you.

You will engage in a journey of amazement and the possibility of deeper wisdom and enjoyment of life just as I have.

We will very much look forward to those who wish to visit us and experience our way of life - whilst leaving any anxieties, worries and stresses outside of our front gate.

Get ready to join us for a different experience in smiles.


Hi there. My name is Virginia Ede and I just ADORE what I do.

There is always deep gratification as well as appreciation in assisting other beings live this beautiful life fully…with passion and meaning.

I believe that any healing journey is so much more powerful when offered in a warm, compassionate and supportive environment, so I created Maggie's Farm Sanctuary where support and assistance is provided to those who desire deep healing as well as acceptance.

Anyone struggling with life stressors, pain or trauma can benefit from a space to share their concerns without judgement or discrimination.

Providing a safe healing haven with various wonderful gentle healing tools invites you to join me in returning to balance, harmony and inner (and outer) well being.

Always available for you is a supportive shoulder, a listening ear and steady hand in guidance.

I invite you to join me, leaving your worries, stresses and concerns at my front gate so that you may begin your own and very individual journey to healing and a more enjoyable life.

I look forward to you joining me - Phone 0414 696355

or email me on

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